More about Holistic Kinesiology
Kinesiology is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Five Elements and the ancient Chinese Acupuncture theory of Chi energy which flows into the body via the Chakra system, and is carried throughout the body via Meridians.
Holistic Kinesiology works with the energetic systems of the body to find, and clear, imbalances that are causing a lack of well-being on a physical, mental or emotional level.
As you can see on the Five Element Emotion Chart, each Meridian has an associated emotion. Each Meridian is also associated with specific muscles.
Many Chiropractors use Applied Kinesiology muscle testing (developed in the 1960’s by Dr George Goodheart), using muscle monitoring for biofeedback.
Kinesiology is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, science and a little bit of magic.
You can read more about it here if you like the technical stuff.

The energy systems of a body can be thrown out of balance by many different factors. The problem may be structural, nutritional physiological, psychological, emotional, mental, energetic or spiritual. It is usually a combination of some of these.
Imbalances in the system can manifest in many different ways as the body does its best to let you know that something needs attention. As time goes by, the messages from the body become more urgent. This may manifest as physical pain, mental discomfort, allergies, stress, anxiety, depression, postural problems, poor performance levels, learning and relationship difficulties, digestive and nervous disorders and other types of dis-ease.
These imbalances can be caused by many different things. It could be as simple as a food intolerance, an old, unwanted belief system, or a forgotten memory. It could be more complex, in which case the Kinesiology practitioner will begin to join the dots and put together the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle.
The goal of a Kinesiology ‘balance’ is to identify the original cause of any imbalance and then resolve it. A Kinesiology session can facilitate profound changes on a physical, emotional or mental level
Kinesiology muscle testing indicates whether a Meridian is flowing normally, or is overunder-energised. The status of the Meridians has an effect on associated emotions and muscles. However, emotions also affect the status of the Meridians.
As the Meridians are balanced in a Kinesiology session, the emotions are also balanced, often giving you a sense of ease and well-being.
An over-active Meridian can cause inflammation, leading to pain - notice the location of the Bladder meridian down the back, and the associated emotions on the Five Element Chart.

Kinesiology is non-invasive and you remain fully clothed, usually lying on a massage table covered with a blanket.
Discussion to facilitate awareness
Vibrational remedies – Flower Essences, Essential Oils, Light, Sound (Tuning Forks calibrated to specific meridians, Tibetan Bowls and Bells, Music)
Nutritional advice
Breathing work
Hypertonic muscle release
Attention to Reflex, Trigger and Body points
Techniques that may be incorporated in a Kinesiology session with Keren

Imagine the sound (or flower essence) vibration (chosen specifically for you) rippling through every cell in your body, just like water ripples.
Other modalities may be incorporated in your session, depending on what you need. These may be
Spinal Flow Technique, Reiki, NLP, Hypnotherapy or EMDR.